Diary Dates

Future dates for Club Meetings

Tuesday 10th December - Presentation night

Presentation night
Place and time TBC

Tuesday 26th November - Nibbles and Natter

General discussion about what we want for next years meetings
Meet at the bowls club for 7pm

Tuesday 12th November - TBC

Tuesday 29th October - Practical Night - Long exposure

Time and place TBC

Tuesday 15th October - Practical night - Light Painting

Light Painting at Gibraltar Point
Meet at Gib Point car park for 7pm

Tuesday 1st October - Internal Club Competition - Autumn

Our internal club competition
Meet at the bowls club for 7pm
Judge TBA

Tuesday 7th September - Subject TBC

Tutorial by Steve
Subject to be confirmed
Meet at the bowls club for 7pm

Tuesday 3rd September - Mike Martingale - Monochrome

An introduction and looking at monochrome with Mike Martingale
Meet at the bowls club for 7pm

Tuesday 20th August - Practical night - Water Drops

A practical night with different water drop set-ups

Tues 6th August - 'Get off Auto' Practical night

A night out looking at different settings - Skegness sea front
Meet at the Embassy car park for 7pm

Tuesday 23rd July - Mike Bennett

A talk by Mike Bennett
"Capturing Moments"
Meet at the bowls club for 7pm

Tuesday 9th July - Internal Club Competition - Summer

Our internal club competition
Meet at the bowls club for 7pm
Judged by Diane Seddon

Tuesday 25 June - TBC

Tuesday 11 June - Battles Home Round

LPA Battles - Home round
Skegness - Pinchbeck - Barton
Judge Grahame Dunkin
A good time to see other peoples work and hear a judges view of them
Meet at the bowls club for 7pm

Tuesday 28th May - Diane Seddon - “The Sun Is New Each Day”

A talk by Diane Seddon

“The Sun Is New Each Day”

Tuesday 14th May - Mounting

Mounting photos ready for the LPA Battles
Meet at the bowls club for 7pm

Tuesday 30th April - Gibraltar Point

Out first outing of the year!
Meet at Gibraltar Point for 7pm
Take some photos and hopefully capture a sunset

Tuesday 16th April - Practical F stops & ISO

Meet at Skegness Bowls club for 7pm.

We are going to take some photos using different F Stops/ ISOs to see how they effect our images.

Please bring cameras & tri-pods

Tuesday 2nd April - F stops, Filters & Panoramic

We will be looking at:
Differences between basic settings, eg F stops and shutter speeds
A series of photos, to demonstrate the use of polarising and ND filters
How to put together panoramic images.

Please meet at Skegness Bowls club for 7pm

Tuesday 19th March - Internal Club Competition

Our first internal club competition of the year
Meet at Skegness Bowls Club for 7pm

Tuesday 5th March - Sparklers and water oil drops

Bring your cameras, tri-pods & remotes for a fun night

7pm at Skegness Bowls Club

Tuesday 20th February - Mounting Photos

Bring a photo so we can cut out and mount it to the correct size
7pm at Skegness Bowls Club

Tuesday 6th February - Photography Tricks

Meet at Skegness Bowls Club at 7pm
Bring your cameras, tri-pods, flash, etc
This should be a really fun night

Tuesday 23rd January - Editing Night

Bring your laptops for an editing night
7pm at Skegness Bowls Club